Thursday, October 29, 2015

Soal campuran tenses piihan ganda

Berikut ini admin bagikan Soal campuran tenses piihan ganda yang bisa anda jadikan latihan untuk lebih memahamkan tenses.
soal campuran tenses pilihan ganda, mixed tenses exercises, soal soal tenses pilihan ganda

Mixed tenses Exercises 

Answer The following questions below!

1. Every night, My father before sleeping ........... me about Tenses.
a. teach
b. teached
c. taught
d. teaches

Materi tenses past continuous

Materi Past Continuous tense 

materi past continuous,rumus dan contoh tenses past continuous,soal tenses past continuous
Apakah anda sedang belajar tenses? Sudah berapa lama anda belajar tenses dan bagaiman hasilnya? Jika anda masih bingung dengan Tenses, baik fungsi dan rumus nya, mari kita belajar tenses mealui artikel di blog Online School Belajar tenses memang membutuhkan keseriusan dan kesabaran. apapun yang sedang anda pelajari semuanya akan berjalan dengan lancar jika sungguh-sungguh. kali ini materi tenses yang akan di pelajari adalah tentang past continuous. sudah paham dengan pengertian past continuous,rumus,dan fungsinya? jika masih kurang pemahaman dengan tenses past continuous, mari belajar materi ini.

Soal tenses simple past vs pas continuous

Soal latihan Tenses simple past vs past continuous

Complete each sentence below using simple past or past continuous!

1. I am sitting in the class right now. I (sit) ....... in class at this time yesterday.
a. am sitting
b. sat
c. was sitting
d. sit
2. She doesn't want to go to the zoo today because it's raining. the same thing happened yesterday. I .... to go to the zoo because it .....
a. didn't want , was raining
b. don't want, was raining
c. didn't want, was raining
d. didn't want , rained

Soal Tenses Simple past tense terbaru 2015

Sudah belajar tenses simple past tense? Jika kalian sudah belajar materi tenses simple past, sekarang cobalah kerjakan soal tenses simple past dibawah ini.

Soal Tenses Simple Past

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Soal Latihan Tenses Simple past tense

Choose the best answer for each question below!

1. Jane …………about a yellow unicorn last night.

  1. dreamed
  1. slept
  1. think
2. Febri………………….to class two days ago because she was at the hospital.

  1. didn't come
  1. didn't take
  1. didn't arrive
3. It was snowing last night. It……………….. so cold!

  1. touched
  1. felt
  1. happened

4. Lucy ……………………her sister's watch, so she bought a new one.

  1. broke
  1. crashed
  1. forgot
5. We…………………. at the library for an hours yesterday.

  1. learnt
  1. studied
  1. reviewed
6. I ……………………………an e-mail to the company but The officer never answered.

  1. published
  1. read
  1. sent
7. The two nephews…………………….at the airport for the first time.

  1. met
  1. welcomed
  1. saw
8. The cat …………………………….. in the middle of the kitchen floor, looking at the door.

  1. put
  1. ran
  1. stood
9. She ... TV yesterday.
  1. watch
  2. watched
  3. watches
10. She ... all night.
  1. cryed
  2. cryd
  3. cried
11. Where did you ... this book
  1. bought
  2. buyed
  3. buy
12. Who ... that car
  1. buyed
  2. bought
  3. did buy
15. Who ... ten minutes ago
  1. did call
  2. did called
  3. called
16. Who ... there
  1. did went
  2. went
  3. did go
17. He didn't ... last Monday.
  1. calld
  2. called
  3. call
18. What film ... you ... last night
  1. did, saw
  2. did, see
  3. -, saw
19. Why ... she ... a
  1. -, cried
  2. did, cry
  3. did, cried
20. When ... you ... there
  1. -, went
  2. did, went
  3. did, go

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Soal Simple Present Pilihan ganda


Soal Tenses Simple Present tense

Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c, or d

1. Andi is my best friend. He always …………. me to do something if I need a help.
  1. Help
  2. Helps
  3. Helping
  4. Helped

Soal tenses simple present terbaru dan lengkap

soal soal tenses simple present,download soal tenses simple present terbaru,soal tenses pilihan ganda lengkap
Soal tenses

Berikut ini soal-soal tenses simple present terbaru dari Online School yang bisa anda kerjakan untuk bahan evaluasi belajar tenses. bagi yang belum membaca materi tenses simple present, silahkan baca materinya agar lebih mudah dalam mengerjakan soal tenses simple present berikut. 
gunkan rumus tenses verbal dan nominal untuk menjawab soal di bawah ini.

Soal tenses simple present tense

Choose the best answer a,b,c,or d

1. Sugar..........sweet.
a. is
b. are
c. always
d. never
2. Some of us always ................... overtime every Sunday.
a. to work
b. working
c. work
d. works.
3. I and my older brother usually ................. fishing on Sunday.
a. go
b. goes
c. is going
d. gone
4. everyone always ............... before going to work.
a. have breakfast
b. breakfast
c. has breakfast
d. having breakfast
5. at my office, every employee must .................. the rule of the company.
a. to obey
b. obeys
c. obey
d. obeying
6. My sister still … some mistakes in pronunciation.
a. makes
b. make
c. made
d. making
7. She is my close friend, ........... is Justin.
a. her
b. she
c. he
d. him
8. Every student at my school .......... Extra lesson on monday.
a. follow
b. following
c. followed
d. follows
9. in the kitchen, my mother cooks food for breakfast, I always help ........ to cut vegetables.
a. him
b. she
c. her
d. its
10. A : How much does your book cost rina?
      B : it  ............. 40,000 IDR
a. cost
b. costs
c. it is cost
d. it is costs

Translate the following sentences into English!

1. Saya selalu beangkat sekolah pada jam 06.30.
2. Apakah Ibu biasa membuat nasi goreng setiap pagi? 
3. Teman saya, Rani adalah seorang siswa yang rajin. dia tidak pernah terlambat datang ke sekolah
4. Pada hari minggu kami mempunyai banyak kegiatan, salah satu di antaranya kegiatan tersebut adalah bermain sepak bola.
5. Dia tidak selalu datang tepat waktu ke sekolah karena rumahnya sangat jauh.

Itulah beberapa soal tenses simple present tense terbaru dari kami, semoga bisa menjadi bahan untuk berlatih mengerjakan soal-soal tenses.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Dapatkan penghasilan dari Internet dengan Bahasa Inggris

cara mendapatkan penghasilan dengan internet dan bahasa inggris, penghasilan melalui internet dan bahasa inggris
Ilustrasi mendapatkan uang
Tahukah anda bahwa di internet, kita bisa menghasilkan uang? mendaptkan penhasilan melalui internet mungkin sudah banyak yang mencoba dan terbukti bisa mendaptkan uang dengan jumlah yang cukup besar. Bagaimana caranya? Nah, sebelum anda memulai untuk mencoba cara ini, pastinya anda harus mempunyai cukup  modal untuk bisa mendaptkan penghasilan lewat internet. modal nya mudah kok, hanya kreatif dan menguasai bahasa inggris. walaupun bahasa inggris pas-pasan, itu tidak begitu masalah. intinya kerja keras dan kreatif. untuk mendaptkan penghasilan melalui internet tidak semudah yang di bayangkan, tidak hanya duduk dan mengoperasikan laptop atau komputer, butuh keseriusan dan tidak malas untuk terus mencoba.